Terms of service.

We will make it easy for you

Your satisfaction is important to us, if you are not happy with your purchase, please get in touch with us!

We accept returns on new, unworn, damage-free merchandise within 30 days of purchase for orders done in US or EU. Purchases must be made directly at Ramatigoods.com. If you purchased with another retailer, please contact them directly to coordinate a return. Customers outside US and EU, please contact matteo.prodani@gmail.com to initiate a return. 

If you received a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our team directly at info@ramatigoods.com. 

How do I return my items?

 To initiate a return or exchange, please email info@ramatigoods.com with your name, order # and return/exchange request. Once your return is authorized, you will receive an email with step-by-step instructions via email. 

What are my return options? 

We currently offer returns for an exchange or a full refund back to the original form of payment. If you are looking to try a different size, we recommend doing an exchange so you can get your new order right away! 

Need more help? 

Contact us at info@ramatigoods.com. We'd be happy to help you directly.